From her family farm in Queensland, Cilla makes authentic children's entertainment that country kids love! We sat down with Cilla to get to know more about the woman behind the show!
How would you describe Blue Gum Farm TV in 5 words?
Kid's program celebrating farm life
What have you learnt in your time making music?
Eek! How much time have you got?! Loads if different skills across all aspects of life. Lots not related to music at all.... but the key learning is that no matter what I'm doing or where I am in life, music is a part of me and one that can't be suppressed. Even if I try!
How do you keep yourself inspired?
I'm lucky enough to live on a farm in one of the most beautiful parts of Queensland. Inspiration flows when I'm out and about on the farm - that's when I'm at my happiest.
Creative process… talk us through it!
Most of the songs I write are based on living and working on the property so my creative process always starts from doing or seeing something on the property or working with the animals. From there, I quickly make a note or take a voice memo of the lyrics/tune, otherwise my mum-brain erases any good ideas. Sometimes a whole song will emerge all at once and I have to take it down before I miss it. Other times it has to marinade for a while to reach its best. After I've composed the lyrics, melody and structure, I then collaborate with my composer Matt Toms who builds the instrumentation, prior to hitting the stage or recording studio.
Most memorable live show moment?
They say, 'never work with kids or animals' - I work with both! There are lots of good memories, but probably the first time I baby-wore during our show tour of Outback Queensland is a highlight. I was so nervous that people would think it was weird. But, all I got was love for the fact I was a mum just getting on with it and including my baby in what I was doing.
Most memorable backstage moment?
Too many to list but in general I love the energy that the whole team feels right before you step out to open the show. It's addictive.
Something new/cool you discovered lately?
That ants have a stronger sense of smell than dogs....
What makes you feel alive?
Coffee. I'm getting old. I have kids. The answer is definitely Coffee!
Who is your hero?
My husband 😍
What's Coming up?
Some regional Queensland tours are on the boil, as well as something very, very big. But I can't tell you yet!.....
Find out more about Blue Gum Farm TV here